My Marketing Tips & Tricks

Based on years of studying courses and books, and my own observation doing marketing.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know anymore what data came from where… Some of the downloads are disorganized, they are my personal notes as on the subject of marketing as I noted them in their original forms.

Read more of my thoughts and data on the subject of Marketing below:

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    • Copywriting
    • Website Creation

Heya! First, what is a one page website? Or a single page site? It is simply 1 page. In that page you can add your contact form, call to action, an about section, a description of your services and much more. How it’s designed can vary, but still all if not most of your website content will be placed on a single page. So recently I advised a…

Hear me hear me! You want to be hyper focused and highly target your prospects. The only way to do that is by specializing your content towards this particular type of prospect (their location, pain points, hopes, age, situation etc) But doing that will make you irrelevant to all other prospects that your business is qualified to serve! So why would you even do this? Because when you…

Complete prospect generation, PR, funnels, websites, marketing and sales solutions.

© 2024 Created Adam Viszler