PPC Marketing & Advertising
On Google
Everything you should know. Things that others won’t tell you. Plus some more!
You Might Be Asking "Why Should I Choose Adam To Run My Google Ads"?
Excellent question!
To answer that, I come from a Sales Specialist background with many years of experience and thousands of sales.
This allowed me to truly understand human pshycology when it comes to buying things & use that in selling things.
I have effectively translated and applied my knowledge to Marketing & Advertising with consistent results in a diverse range of industries.

Common Misconcepts- Right off the bat
Actually no. You can start with as little as 5-10 USD per day.
Of course the more you spend the faster you see results and faster you can tweak and improve on your ads, but it’s not a requirement.
That’s not true. CONTENT is what actually sells. I’ve seen website with old, outdated design that still sold plenty on their website. Why? Because their content (text, images, videos, educational materials, offer) were valuable enough for people to tolerate bad design.
ROI = Return on investment.
While it’s good to have a good ROI, it’s not necesary to be profitable. Nowadays there is so much competition in advertisement, that you might never get a positive ROI.
BUT, you can still be profitable… How? When you run ads, you try to sell. But when you sell, you can also collect contact information, you sign them up on newsletters, you can upsell them, cross sell them, get refferals from them and sell them again at a later date. All these will result in more profit which won’t show directly on your ROI.
“The product sells itself” or “we are doing just fine without advertisement”.
That’s completely possible. And in fact I encourage people that are doing well already to do advertisement. As a business that does well without ads, will do even better with ads!
There is also the fact that a business constantly have to innovate and expand to keep up with the competition. Frankly, today most of your competitors are already advertising (leaving you at tiny bit of a loss).
Everything has a right technology. And if you can uphold and keep a business and sell without ads, I am confident you can sell through ads as well! The only difference is that instead of paying a sales rep, you pay the ads platform.
In one case ads will not work for you. If you can’t sell your products without ads, you likely won’t be able to sell them with ads as well.
This is the “panic” mode many newcommers and business owners fall into. You have to allocate a budget for the ads and keep running them, even if at first they don’t bring results.
I am not trying to sell you on why something unprofitable is “working”. What I am trying to tell you is that the algorythm of the ads platform needs time and money to learn and adapt to your business, offerings and market. Plus some sales might not happen right next day, but weeks or months after some one saw your ad. People do bookmark links you know..
Depends. Are you doing marketing through a VIP exclusive marketing agency on their most expensive package? Yes, in that case it is expensive.
But I don’t reccomend going for an established, well known marketing agency. They usually overcharge and don’t know how to get results from small budgets.
Actually, you can do marketing as self employed person! You can start your own social media campaign and invite people to follow your brand and engage with them through posts (that would be marketing). You can pay 5 USD / day to Google or Facebook to run ads for you. You can pay for a domain name and a hosting service 100-150 USD / year and you can create your own website with little to no experience. You can design a flier in canva and print fliers on .20 cents a piece and distribute them yourself. You can hire an affordable marketing partner. There are endless possibilities for you my friend.
How Do I Know How Much I Can Spend / Click?
Get ready!
To answer this, we need to do some math!
Take a period (like 3 months) and collect the following information:
-Number of customers (people who bought atleast once)
-Total profit (from customers)
-Number of sales page views
Now get the averages this way:
-Total profit / number of customers = Average profit per customer
-Number of sales page views / number of customers = Sales page views per sale
-Total profit / number of sales page views = profit per sales page view
I wanted you to do the first calculation to get a better idea of how valuable each customer is. But in essence, the last average which shows “profit per sales page view” is generally the ammount you can spend per click (as each click from an ad is a sales page view)
From here on you can do additional calculations if you want. You can even measure customer lifetime value (as people don’t always just buy once)… Average refferals per customer…. Average refund per customer and so forth.
This type of information will give you a better idea on how much you can spend. How quickly you get back your money, how quickly you make profit and for how long and with what delay.
Lets Cover The Basics
Why choose Google Ads?
Great question!
Besides my experience and skillset in google search ads, you might want to go with Google because it is hyper-ultra-extremely targeted.
The basic idea in sales & marketing:
-If you say the right things to the right person in the right way, you will get the sale.
Google Ads allows you to do just that when it shows your ad as a “search result” for people searching the Google Engine. Google collects information on us all the time (unfortunately).
And Google uses this information to categorize people:
-big house
-small house
-interested in plants
-interested in decor
Just to name a few categories…
Google then uses these categorize to serve(show) ads to the type of people you want to show your ads to, making your Ads cost less, become more efficient and not wasted on people that wouldnt give 2 damns anyways.

PPC = Pay Per Click
PPC is an advertising method where the advertiser only pays when some one click on their ads that transfers this person to a page on your website. On Google you can set how much you wish to bid(pay) for each click. No matter the cost, it’s usually trivial as a click can worth multiple times for you than you are paying for it.
In general you can expect anywhere from 0.3USD to 3 USD / click. It really depends on the location you are advertising in, the competition and the quality of the ads.
The first two items (location & competiton) will be the determining factor in determining your costs/click, the quality of the ads won’t matter, as I will optimize that for you 😉
ROA = Return On Ad Spend
ROA might be the difference between “I work for myself” and “I work for my boss”.
It is the metric by which we measure how much you earn from every dollar you spend on advertisement.
Not to be confused with ROI = Return on investment.
While ROI is used in investing ROA is used in advertising.
How to get a higher ROA?
There are a few things that influence the effectiveness of your ads, and thus its profitability.
-Ad targeting
-Ad copy
-Ad imagery
-CPC bids
-Landing page content & design
-Offer or CTA (Call To Action Element)
By analysing where you can get more results and improving the above items, you will get a higher ROA (if done correctly)

What do I need for a Google Search Ad?
You will need the following for a succesfull campaign:
-A website
-A landing page
-An offer which is too good to refuse
-Google Ads account
-A credit card to pay for the ads
Optionally: Data about your business (more the better) and images. Some plugins for the website and an online quote request form or a checkout page.
How to create a Google Ad?
In essence, you would simply head to Google Ads account and follow this outline:
- Click on new campaign
- Choose the options (type of campaign, targeting, location, costs etc) you want
- Add keywords/phrases you want your ads to show up on
- Add titles and descriptions you want your ads to say
- Add creatives (images) and other assets
- Set your budget
- Publish
Then within a few days, your ad will get reviewed and accepted or refused.
You will then start seeing “impressions” (how many people saw your ad). Clicks (how amny people clicked your ads) and other data.
Note: The ads will be in “learning” phase for about a week. During this time the ads learn who is the right fit to see your ads, and how it should bid (use your money).


Time & Costs
It is really difficult to say how much time and money it takes until we get to a point where things are profitable.
You might need a few hundred of dollars to get to a point of profitability, you might need a few thousand or even 10 thousand (over time of course). You might need a few weeks or a few months…
We might have to work hard on creating new offers, products, upsells and cross sells to become profitable.
As an example, I’ve seen a business owner that don’t make profits in their business from the initial sales that ads get. This business owner has a secondary business that offers a service that directly connects with the initial business. When he upsells from the first to second business, he makes big profits.
Think about it: “The one offer/product I am selling is enough to turn a profit?”
Example 1: If I advertise to my cleaning product business, I might not make enough money to even cover the ads, but the customers that come from ads are generally willing to buy cleaning services from secondary business.
Example 2: If I sell a sales software, I might be able to sell the customers that buy sales software on sales consultation from my second business.
In essence: One business feeds another one, or one service can lead to another one.
Okay Adam, now you explained everything, why can't I just do it myself without you?
Of course you can! And I hope my mini intro to advertising through Google helped.
Feel free to reach out to me if you need help or want to further improve your ads.
If you however don’t want to run ads yourself, think its complicated or you might want some one with a different skillset (sales&marketing) to set it up for you and supervise it, you can hire me to do it.
My goals are to generate as many prospects/customers for you as profitably as possible.
You wanna know my plan? Check out the next section please 🙂
My Approach
The Plan? I got it for you!!
- Get an actual return on your ad spend
- Become an effective prospecting machine
- Sell products online on autopilot
- No need to hire a new freelancer every week
- No stress, no headache. Just enjoy the results
- No maintainance needed (at least from you)
Deep Research & Analysis
I'll study your market, business, competitors, prospects, website and current marketing campaigns (if there is any).
I will advise you on several things to improve your conversions and profit.
Planning & Implementation
Next I will create a marketing strategy that will complement what you got already and built on it. I will create a list of audience words and possible offers that we can use to create hyper targeted ads and align a landing page for it.
Supervision & Improvement
You got nothing to worry about. I will supervise the process and results. I will report to you monthly, and stay in touch on important observations and results. I will also improve on your campaign on a monthly basis and test out variants.
Why You Need All THIS?!?

My proposal (if accepted of course), will enable your business to grow in business and size by adding more and more customers to your portfolio.

As a small to mid size business, your profitability is KEY if you don't want to packup and go back to being employed. I feel you. I know your situation and will work with great effort to ensure your profits.

Stress Free
Up am intention on dependent questions oh elsewhere september. No betrayed pleasure possible jointure we in throwing.
Seeking Help in
PPC Campaigns?
All it costs you is just a meeting. But you might benefit from it by running campaigns that don’t just eat your pocket money, but actually duplicates your wealth (sometimes by multiple times)

Need even more info? Here are my thoughts & education on the subject:
Heya! First, what is a one page website? Or a single page site? It is simply 1 page. In that page you can add your contact form, call to action, an about section, a description of your services and much more. How it’s designed can vary, but still all if not most of your website content will be placed on a single page. So recently I advised a…