Automatic Quality Social Media Content With Personality!

Imagine a system that...

  1. Checks your best performing competitor’s social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X)
  2. Whenever your competitors post content, the system would take that, reword and rebrand it to yours (so it remains original)
  3. Automatically posts it on your social media(s) at a predetermined time of the day

You would....

Never have to create content yourself

Make all your content original and yours

Copy your best performing competitors

The system would take content from 1 to 3 of your competitors on a daily basis, reword, rebrand and repost those at time intervals chosen by you (I.E. once a day, twice a day, three times a day, etc).

What if your competitors post more content than you? Any content the system couldn’t repost on your socials, would be added to a waiting queue to be posted at a later date.

The system doesn’t “copy” your competitor’s content. It takes inspiration from it by running it through an AI to rebrand and rephrase it to your brand.

All the while keeping the ‘soul’ and ‘essence’ of the original. This enables you to have quality, human-like, original content with no work of your own.

Simply add your best performing competitors’ social profiles or accounts, and set your own profile or account into the system. 

From there on you do what they do, you communicate as they communicate, and you indivertibly use the same fantastic strategy, messaging, positioning and value as they do.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Do what works instead.

How it works?

  1. Install the extension in 2 clicks. 

2. Setup the system in the options. 

3. Test run it to check the quality

4. Wait… No more worries on your content. No more copywriting. No more brainstorming. Let your best competitor manage and expand your social presence. Sounds great, right?

I want it!

Fill out the form to be one of the first ones to be notified once it’s released (very soon from now)


The content of the competitor doesn’t get copied. So it’s not plagiarism or copyright infringement. The system only uses the original copy as “inspiration”. 

Possibly by late september of 2024, maybe october

There will be a load of different options to truly personalize and tailor make your content for your social accounts.

A computer, program or AI is only as smart as the user. In other words, the better data it has to work with, the better results it will produce. In this case, ideally you’d use the system to get the best data out there (you best performing competitors), which would result in a very humanlike, quality and good content. 

Before releasing the final product we will do vigorous testing to ensure that your accounts won’t get suspended. This means we will ensure that the posted content will be original and human-like. We will also add limits to ensure the posting/scheduler can’t get abused (even accidentally). 

Other than that, there are already auto-post schedulers that exist on the web. Companies like buffer, MailChimp etc do auto-posting. The only difference is that the content won’t have to be written by you, but the system does it for you.

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Sales Training Video Archives - Value: 79USD - now for FREE

Over 3000 succesfull sales in one course


These sales videos were recorded somewhere around 2020-2021. Some mature language is included.

Since then I have matured, grown and improved my skills. I do not stand by everything that I’ve said back then. 

Please use common sense to judge what lesson you wish to keep or discard, it’s up to you.

Some of the videos are duplicates or similar to others. (I just uploaded whatever I could find and save from my hard drives). Some videos might not play immediately, give them time to load.

Finally, the videos are not in order, browse, watch and download whatever you like!

Note: Feel free to download and reshare anything you see as useful.
You can download a video by clicking on the 3 dots or by right clicking the video player and choosing the option “Save video as…”

Note: Yes, I might had(have) a style that will be considered by some as rude, manipulative, arrogant or cringe. Please excuse that for me.

The 3 Types of Objections

The 3 types of objections

The assumption close

Build on Agreements

Rapport before pitch

Differentiation by comparison

Role of marketing

Unfair affiliation

Assume your identity

Bridges & Transitions

Thinking is the enemy

Importance of speed

Unfair Affiliation


Cold contact with justification

Treat everyone as special

Effort = value = price

Importance of purpose

Rapport by affiliation(quotes)

Documents for Marketing

Importance & how to PR

Not just “what” but “how”

Whats the top of sales?

Is there a magic sentence?

3 prospect qualifiers

Sales rep qualification

What stats to run?

When to use discounts

Why do people buy?

Why we need sales people?

Products DONT sell, YOU DO

Why do people buy?

The world reflects you

Invade privacy

Sell yourself first

Work in gradients

Communicate with intention

Remove sales resistance

Win arguements, lose clients

Alternative to disagreement

Handle “not interested”

Do not argue!

Agree on honesty

Reposition objections

Who are you talking to?

Not sure about an objection?

Simplest sales pattern

Ask once more.

Sales Etiquette

What are bird dogs?

How to be a problem solver

Too much honest?

Buyer questions

Can you redo sales steps?

Problems with obsession

Buyer questions

How to ask for a close

Definition of cold sales

Tonality & body language

How to gather agreement

Create a closing situation

How to prepare for sales

After finishing this course

Connect product with problem

Demand high

Types of control in sales

Undecisive prospects

Good communication

Do not argue in sales

Selling with options

Educational sales

How to create action?

Expanded sales pattern

Fake it til you make it?

The fake objection

Emotion vs logic

How to handle objections

What data to keep?

First impressions

How to handle objections

Formal vs personal

Framing in sales

Inteligence gathering

Importance of attention 

Give before you get

Problem = goal

Grant workable identities

Reason to close today

Figure out your prospect

The right pain point

Acknowledgement technique

Help close

How to build resistance

Dealing with window shopper

What is confidence

Marketing step in sales

How to recover ex customers

How to get over failures

How to find the problem

Give emotion

Setting quotas

Who is this course for?

Getting the prospect to reply

Selling to sales people

Keep the prospect closed

How to improve

The By The Way sales

Cornering the Scaredy cat

I’m not interested

Imaginary objections

Increase your close ratio

Interested vs interesting

Stories in sales

Increase commitment (upsell)

How to get email answers

Not interested meaning


Remove physical barriers

Is sales manipulative?

Keep in touch

How to keep the sales going?

Keep challenging yourself

Make it look like fate

Know your product

Let them know its for sale




Qualifications reversed

How to talk about the problem


How to market in sales

How much pressure can u do?

How to ease pressure

Importance of preperation


Imaginary objection

Fake objection

Real objections

How to package your pitch?

Imaginary objection

Fake objection

Real objections

How to package your pitch?

Quantity vs quality

Understanding body language

Price vs value

The 2 types of buyers

Promote = traffic

Burn all bridges behind

Qualifying prospects

The real/legitimate objection

The right attitude

The sales pattern

Ask & say the hard things


Repetition of a message

Theory & practical

Prospect has to be right

Tagging sales

The sales step in the process

Setting up for an interview

Sympathy close

Be how you want them to be

Keep things simple

Social proof

Assume they already bought

Ask before speaking


Stop selling once they buying

Advice for beginners 

Be like your prospect

Take control

Talk possibilities

How to build your image

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