Page Duplication For SEO

Hear me hear me!

You want to be hyper focused and highly target your prospects.

The only way to do that is by specializing your content towards this particular type of prospect (their location, pain points, hopes, age, situation etc)

But doing that will make you irrelevant to all other prospects that your business is qualified to serve!

So why would you even do this?

Because when you target/hyper focus your content and communication towards a specific category of prospects you will convert them at a higher rate and beat your competition… Atleast when it comes to winning “that” type of prospects.

“But wait Adam… I still want to capture the ‘other’ type of prospects!!!”

Ok ok…. I hear you.

I have a solution for you:)

Here is what you do, take your best converting page or home page, and duplciate it.

Next, you take the duplcaited page and rewrite/redesign it towards another prospect type.

So if before you had a page that was titled and target as “Locksmith for Kia car owners in Germany”, now you create a page that is titled and targeted as “Lockmith for BMW car owners in France”….

You see.. When google matches websites with searchers, it doesn’t match your “website” to a search inquiry. It matches your “page”.

So when some one in Germany, searched for “Kia locksimth”, Google showed your “Locksmith for Kia car owners in Germany” page as a search result. As that page is more relevant to this searcher’s situation than your “Locksmith for BMW car owners in France” page.

Conversely, if a BMW car owner from France searches for a locksmith, they will match with your french page.

You see how this works?

You can also duplicate pages and create a new page within the same location (Germany), but instead of having the page talk about “Kia” cars, now it can talk about “Audi” cars, and “Ford” cars etc..

You can have almost an endless variety & combination of pages that target different locations, products, services, people and so forth. The more targeted the page is, the more relevant it is for some people, the more relevant it is, the more Google will promote it in search results.

Hope this helped:)

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