Adam Viszler Bio


Sales 8/10


I started as a Field Staff Member in Danish Ideal Organization back in 2018. The very same 2018 year I earned the title of Power FSM (it is given after 100 course sales in a year). Since then til today I have a total of 150+ courses sold.

Later, in 2019. For 3 months I was a camera sales rep in Grays Of Westminster in London. Averaging 16k gross sales a month.

End of 2019 I was asked to be the representative and sell Dianetics books and titles in the world’s largest bookfare (UAE, Sharjah). I took that part and sold 500+ books in 10 days on the book fare. Since then, I went 2 more times to this bookfare, and each time sold a similar amount of books.

I have sold WISE memberships as well, and to date I can be proud that I have gotten over 15 new WISE memberships.

From 2020 I was a sales rep with (an online admin software). Where I took the active memberships from 300 users to 750+ in just 2 years. 

I have a 150 video long sales course (in video format and texts). 

I have also been working on a unique sales CRM in the last 2 years called “” (although its still IP)

Finally, I took my sales skills to recruit as well. Up to date I have recruited and contributed to 5 new staff recruits to Danish Ideal Org.

Marketing 7/10


Marketing and I have always been in a love/hate relationship. Mostly because I started as a sales rep, and felt that marketing can’t be replaced by sales. This might be a correct assumption, it might not.

One thing is for sure, because of how I felt about marketing, I always had a curiousity to find out whats so big about “marketing”.

Which I did. I have studied books like:

-Traffic Secrets

-Sell Like Crazy

-Dotcom Secrets

-Expert Secrets

-Copywriting Secrets


-Scientific Advertising

And took courses like:

-10X marketing system


I managed to put these studied knowledge into application by February 2024, where I took 3 clients and created their websites in  a way that actually got results. 

In essence, in marketing you are trying to communicate a message with as high effectiveness as possible. To achieve this we use several different techniques and tools. We use analytics to find out what approach works, and what doesn’t. We use copywriting to create interest and give information for decision making. We use SEO to tell search engines to match our website with out prospect’s search queries. We use images to re-enforce a message (the responsibility of an image is to communicate, not to look pretty). We use colors and words and font sizes that our potential buyers are familiar with. We create customer flows/journeys that is self explanatory, transparent and easy to go through. We give special limited time offers to get the prospect to overcome his own objections/reasons for hesitation.

I’ll share some results below.

Public Relations 10/10

I am 3 times Public Relations Conference (Freewinds) trained. 

I have also used many PR policies and techniques in my sales career as well as in my customer support endeavors.

I know how to deal with angry customers. I know how to communicate some bad news in a way that is acceptable. I know how to research what your audience might respond to, and I know how to communicate your message in a way that gets your audience to actually respond to it!

Some rules for PR: 

A good PR uses communications that is agreeable and likable by the receiver.

A good PR approach to a business’ procedure is making it for the audience as easy and simple as possible to collaborate with the business. And as difficult and inconvenient as possible to not collaborate with the business.

Website design 7/10

As you can see from this website as well. I can build websites and make them look good, and even interactive. 

I can use WordPress, Kartra, Clickfunnels and similar builders. 

I have also experience in editing/customizing existing WordPress plugins. 

Lastly, I can write some HTML, CSS & Javascript code.

Check out some (actual code I wrote) down below.

On site Search Engine Optimization 9/10

I do this by researching what your prospects are searching for on the internet. This could also mean that I will take a look at your competition and reverse engineer what “search phrases” they target. 

Then I word your pages in a way that it will tell Google that the prospect’s “search phrase” and your page’s content is a match. So Google can match your page as a result to prospect’s search. Thus increasing traffic and sales.

Another method I would use is adding image alt tags and descriptions (its like the same as above, but for image searches).

Then I will take a look at your site’s phone and tablet view. And make sure that all design looks good on those devices as well.

Lastly, I take a look at your website’s speed and make sure that the page loads fast (by optimizing layout and deleting unused scripts and compressing images to smaller sizes). 

Off Site Search Engine Optimization 6/10

This includes link building (where I add your website’s link to other pages). This is usefull as it tells Google that other site’s are recommending yours, so should Google in that case. Kind of like a digital “word of mouth”.

It also includes creating and adding your sitemap to Google Search Console (this makes it easier for Google to index your site for its search algorithm).

Copy Writing 9/10

Copy Writing is an art itself. Something that can be learned and improved technically. 

I learned copywriting from my sales ventures and books like Sell Like Crazy and the Copywriting Secrets. 

In Essence copywriting is communication in text as effectively and interestingly as possible.

So lets say you wish to tell your customers:

“Get your car fixed by us. Our technicians can repair your engine. We have a special offer – if you hire us, we’ll clean your car for free. Book your engine repair today.”

You could phrase that like

“If you come in today until 20:00 pm, we will get your car engine repaired by tomorrow 6:00 am before work, and we will was your car inside out with our special lemon scented cleaning agent. We will: Get your car fixed. Clean your car and make it smell like a citrus forest. Get to work in time by tomorrow!”

You might want to list why people should buy from you this engine repair service, and one can do that this way:

“-Quick Service

-Competitive pricing


-Skilled Technicians”

Doesn’t that sound like generic? Something you read at every mechanic? Here is revised list:

-Repairs done within 10 hours

-Guaranteed to cost less than the mechanic next door

-You are either satisfied with the results, or your money back

-Our technicians each trained at least 8234 hours with car engines

 The trick in copywriting is:

-Details (don’t ever skip on details, don’t worry if the copy gets too long. As long as it’s interesting and valuable.)

-Personal (address the reader)

-Relevancy (make sure the reader can relate)

-Features Vs Benefits (features are not benefits. Features are technical, while benefits are personal. A drill can turn 320 times per second is a feature. Having a hole made quickly thanks to the turn rate is a benefit)

-Interesting (stay on the reader’s problems, and talk about the solutions)

-Specificity (always specify, don’t leave details to imagination)

Seminars/Webinars 9/10

To date I have done around 60+ seminars and webinars. 

Most of my trainings were on the subject of dissemination (sales). 

I have done these types of trainings alone and in collaboration with other speakers:

-Andrea D Agostini

-Poul Seedorf

-Mike Heyl


-Class V Orgs in Eu (DK, London, Athens, Lisbon, Budapest, Edinburgh, Birmingham)

(WISE) Business Consulting 8/10

In 2019 I spent about 6 months as an apprentice under Mike Heyl. This apprenticeship was arranged by the CO WISE EU himself.

I travelled with Mike to different countries across Europe and I was observing and helping him out while he was giving business consulting to his clients. 

Furthermore during my time in between 2020 and 2023 I had the chance to interact with many businesses and consultants through the admin platform. I often times helped these organizations on how to setup their systems and processes on to achieve the best results. 

Sales Coaching 9/10

After I became a Power FSM in 2018, I concurrently got the most dissemination sales for that very same year (tracked by WISE EU). 

Which prompted some collaboration with some Orgs across Europe. Here I’ve dont dissemination seminars (which was 99% built upon sales techniques). 

I had lots of nice feedbacks and wins. Generally my method in coaching focused on 2 things. Theory and practical. Where the first day of the training was theory and drilling (practice), and second day was actual execution of the sales tech on live prospects.

Digital Automation 9/10

No official education or experience in this area. But I am a big fan of automation, especially digital automation. 

I can work with complicated software’s, plugins and apps and connect them with one another to create a quick process for almost any business task. 

I have gotten great results with setting up automatic online sales funnels. Emailing systems. Invoicing systems. Scheduling systems and follow up systems.

I work with APIs to achieve this and can even code smaller parts of the automated systems if necessary.

Administration, Management & Organizing 10/10

When it comes to establishing administrative and organizational systems, I am probably one of the best at it. With extensive experience working with the administrative application, I had the chance to meet and help many WISE business consultants, and many organizations. I often advised these people on best practices when it comes to admin implementation. 

With over 3 years of work experience at makh, I know exactly how a good business operates, and how a bad one operates. I know exactly how to make the jump between bad and well established organizations.

I decreased number of new support tickets in by 50% by creating tutorial videos and articles. This also increased the education level of users when it comes to the application, thus we retained more and more customers.


Customer Support 10/10

With 3 years of experience in, 2 years of this actively being support I know how to deal with customers, bugs, issues, questions and even ticketing and developer coordination.


Image Editing 7/10

I started as a kid in microsoft paint (of course). In elementary I have learned an online image editing tool called pixlr. When pixlr got updated and became difficult to use, I changed to Gimp.

To this day I am using Gimp 2. It is like a simpler version of Adobe Photoshop. It’s not the greatest app, but Gimp will get the job done. I can do cropping, compressions, graphic style changes, colorizations, background removal and other similar rudimentary things.


Video Editing 8/10

I have experience in Sony Vegas video editor and Filmora. I can create smooth cuts, transitions, adding subtitles and visuals, video and sound effects to a video. 

Everything can be done if enough time is added to it. I found it to be like drawing, the more effort you add into it, the better the result is. 

Softwares / Apps 10/10

Thanks to my interest in tech and computers I managed to get proficiency in the following softwares and apps:


-Kartra (and ClickFunnels by extension)


-Google apps

-Google Business Profile

-Word Press

-Word Press Plugins



-Word Document



-Sony Vegas



-Power Point



Project Management 10/10

Been working on projects for several years now. Some of them are my own (creating an application with a developer team). Some of the projects I’ve been working for were for Class V Organizations (surveys and FSM activation), and some I did for

On I did research, analytics, surveys, data tabulation, business transition and much much more where I needed to take important decisions myself to achieve the required results.

Programming 3/10

Currently I am in the process of learning the ins and outs of programming. I can write basic software or online scripts which does one or two simple things. 

I am learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.

Complete prospect generation, PR, funnels, websites, marketing and sales solutions.

© 2024 Created Adam Viszler