Copywriting, Promotion & Website Creation

This is the page if you need to create great looking and well talking websites, pages, fliers, promotions, emails and just in general words & sentences that SELL.

No matter what you are looking for, the goal is to sell, and sell well.

Let’s dissect each of the 3 items on this page.



Copywriting is the process of creating copies (copy). In sales and marketing a “copy” means communication that converts readers. 
Whether you want to convert your readers to buyers, email subscribers, brand advocates or anything else is up to you!

How do you write GREAT copies?

Here are some guidelines that will help you sell better:

  1. Do your research
  2. Keep in mind who you are writing to, and make it about them, not you.
  3. Keep things simple (your logic, your vocabulary, everyhting)
  4. Keep it to the point
  5. Talk about benefits instead of features
  6. If you got to talk about features, ALWAYS point out what benefit each feature achieves
  7. Use metaphores and examples when you can (helps understanding)


These are a few pointers that will help you do better. In essence: be relevant and write with intention.

You can always test out your copies with your target audience and get feedback.


Promotion Creation?

Now that you know what copy to put on your promo (flier, poster or anything else), you should combine it with images, design and colors.

One big secret I can tell you, is that make the images re-enforce the message. Use colors, design and everything to make it easy for the eye, and use visuals to complement your already existing copy, so people can get an understanding of your intentions & value even without reading.



By now you get the drill! Same principles apply:)



Complete prospect generation, PR, funnels, websites, marketing and sales solutions.

© 2024 Created Adam Viszler