Automatic Quality Social Media Content With Personality!

Imagine a system that...

  1. Checks your best performing competitor’s social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X)
  2. Whenever your competitors post content, the system would take that, reword and rebrand it to yours (so it remains original)
  3. Automatically posts it on your social media(s) at a predetermined time of the day

You would....

Never have to create content yourself

Make all your content original and yours

Copy your best performing competitors

The system would take content from 1 to 3 of your competitors on a daily basis, reword, rebrand and repost those at time intervals chosen by you (I.E. once a day, twice a day, three times a day, etc).

What if your competitors post more content than you? Any content the system couldn’t repost on your socials, would be added to a waiting queue to be posted at a later date.

The system doesn’t “copy” your competitor’s content. It takes inspiration from it by running it through an AI to rebrand and rephrase it to your brand.

All the while keeping the ‘soul’ and ‘essence’ of the original. This enables you to have quality, human-like, original content with no work of your own.

Simply add your best performing competitors’ social profiles or accounts, and set your own profile or account into the system. 

From there on you do what they do, you communicate as they communicate, and you indivertibly use the same fantastic strategy, messaging, positioning and value as they do.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Do what works instead.

How it works?

  1. Install the extension in 2 clicks. 

2. Setup the system in the options. 

3. Test run it to check the quality

4. Wait… No more worries on your content. No more copywriting. No more brainstorming. Let your best competitor manage and expand your social presence. Sounds great, right?

I want it!

Fill out the form to be one of the first ones to be notified once it’s released (very soon from now)


The content of the competitor doesn’t get copied. So it’s not plagiarism or copyright infringement. The system only uses the original copy as “inspiration”. 

Possibly by late september of 2024, maybe october

There will be a load of different options to truly personalize and tailor make your content for your social accounts.

A computer, program or AI is only as smart as the user. In other words, the better data it has to work with, the better results it will produce. In this case, ideally you’d use the system to get the best data out there (you best performing competitors), which would result in a very humanlike, quality and good content. 

Before releasing the final product we will do vigorous testing to ensure that your accounts won’t get suspended. This means we will ensure that the posted content will be original and human-like. We will also add limits to ensure the posting/scheduler can’t get abused (even accidentally). 

Other than that, there are already auto-post schedulers that exist on the web. Companies like buffer, MailChimp etc do auto-posting. The only difference is that the content won’t have to be written by you, but the system does it for you.

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Search Engine Optimization

Everything you should know.. And more!

Firstly, don't forget the main philosphy: Relevancy

In marketing, your number one skill that will generate your traffic, visibility, interest, leads and sales is “Relevancy”.


Simply put: “How relevant is your content, communication, images and offers to the potential customer?”


Being relevant for searches, problems and goals of the prospect is key to making sales like no other.


How to be "relevant"?

By specializing and hyper focusing on specific pain points, problems, goals, intentions, customer types, locations and services.


Does that mean you will lose all the other prospects belonging in a wider category?


Maybe, maybe not.


But as the saying goes “jack of all trades, master of none”. 


That means if you target everyone, you will convert no one.


So it’s a sane practice to design everything in your business towards a specific niche and convert some customers than none.


Later you can still create new websites or sections in your business that specializes towards another niche, and then another and another (gradually capturing more and more of the market). 

What is SEO?

SEO stands for = Search Engine Optimization.


It’s a bunch of methods done on your website and off your site (on other websites) that will get you more organic traffic.


SEO includes a bunch of different things like:

-Adding alternative texts to your images

-Adding targeted meta descriptions

-Speeding up your website

-Stuffing your pages with relevant keywords

-Getting links from other websites

-Removing links from other websites which you don’t want to be associated with (like spam sites or adult sites)

-Improving the user’s experience and time spent on your pages

-Creating an XML sitemap and adding those to Google

-Improving mobile view experience

-Location/Keyword targeting with content creation

-and so much more…

What can you expect from SEO?

It’s a slow process. But when done right, it will get you traffic (visibilty) from search engines.

And not just any traffic, but targeted traffic (people interested in what you got to offer).

When your ad budget runs out and you cant advertise anymore, SEO will still generate traffic for you organically (meaning without paid ads)!

So how long and how much?

Anywhere from a few months to a year to see results.

For costs? It’s difficult to say. You can do everything yourself. You can pay for sponsored directories and news articles (anywhere from 100USD to 500USD per directory or article). 

And finally, you can hire an SEO agent or agency on a monthly basis.

Why would you want SEO?

You might want SEO if you only have a limited budget per month.

You might want SEO if you want a return on your investment for years to come. 

You might want SEO if you reached the limits of your paid ads.

You might want SEO if your paid ads arent converting well enough…

How to do SEO?

There is so many things you can do to improve your SEO, and each thing you can do has its own methods and techniques. 

Improve site speed: 

  1. Compress your images so they are smaller in size.  Use online compressors like:
  2. Remove unused plugins
  3. Change hosting servers of your website to your targeted location
  4. Use caching plugins
  5. Use lazyload for page content (so elements only load when some one scrolls)

…To give you a few ideas.

Link Building:

  1. Analyize your competition through a tool like ahref backlink checker
  2. Take a note of all the backlinks (links that direct people to the competition)
  3. Try and get your website’s link on the same URLs as your competition
  4. Blog on sites like “Medium” and “Featured” and link back to your website
  5. Research directories and register to those with your website’s link
  6. Pay for sponsored newsarticles/blogs/directories

Keyword Targeting:

  1. Research what your ideal clientele is searching for on Google
  2. Take those phrases/keywords and add them to your pages (wherever relevant)
  3. Create blog articles using these keywords/search phrases

User experience:

  1. Add engaging videos wherever relevant
  2. Improve your content by making it more relevant & interesting for your target audience
  3. Use design, colors, fonts that is simple and interesting.

Location Targeting:

  1. If you offer your services in multiple location, you can create a specific page for each location with a slightly altered content.
  2. Ensure you mention the name of the location (city, country, area code, street name etc) everytime its relevant. 


… The above techniques should give you a good start in improving your SEO. It will improve your rankings on Search Engine. 

More of my thoughts and tech on SEO:

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