Automatic Quality Social Media Content With Personality!

Imagine a system that...

  1. Checks your best performing competitor’s social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X)
  2. Whenever your competitors post content, the system would take that, reword and rebrand it to yours (so it remains original)
  3. Automatically posts it on your social media(s) at a predetermined time of the day

You would....

Never have to create content yourself

Make all your content original and yours

Copy your best performing competitors

The system would take content from 1 to 3 of your competitors on a daily basis, reword, rebrand and repost those at time intervals chosen by you (I.E. once a day, twice a day, three times a day, etc).

What if your competitors post more content than you? Any content the system couldn’t repost on your socials, would be added to a waiting queue to be posted at a later date.

The system doesn’t “copy” your competitor’s content. It takes inspiration from it by running it through an AI to rebrand and rephrase it to your brand.

All the while keeping the ‘soul’ and ‘essence’ of the original. This enables you to have quality, human-like, original content with no work of your own.

Simply add your best performing competitors’ social profiles or accounts, and set your own profile or account into the system. 

From there on you do what they do, you communicate as they communicate, and you indivertibly use the same fantastic strategy, messaging, positioning and value as they do.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Do what works instead.

How it works?

  1. Install the extension in 2 clicks. 

2. Setup the system in the options. 

3. Test run it to check the quality

4. Wait… No more worries on your content. No more copywriting. No more brainstorming. Let your best competitor manage and expand your social presence. Sounds great, right?

I want it!

Fill out the form to be one of the first ones to be notified once it’s released (very soon from now)

[forminator_form id="307"]


The content of the competitor doesn’t get copied. So it’s not plagiarism or copyright infringement. The system only uses the original copy as “inspiration”. 

Possibly by late september of 2024, maybe october

There will be a load of different options to truly personalize and tailor make your content for your social accounts.

A computer, program or AI is only as smart as the user. In other words, the better data it has to work with, the better results it will produce. In this case, ideally you’d use the system to get the best data out there (you best performing competitors), which would result in a very humanlike, quality and good content. 

Before releasing the final product we will do vigorous testing to ensure that your accounts won’t get suspended. This means we will ensure that the posted content will be original and human-like. We will also add limits to ensure the posting/scheduler can’t get abused (even accidentally). 

Other than that, there are already auto-post schedulers that exist on the web. Companies like buffer, MailChimp etc do auto-posting. The only difference is that the content won’t have to be written by you, but the system does it for you.

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Revolution in Digital Marketing: AI-Driven Social Media Automation Skyrockets Engagement by 300%

As George Astanis said:

“Before this, we were spending hours every week on content creation and scheduling, now, it’s all automated, and the results are better than ever. I can focus on growing my business instead of worrying about social media.”

In today’s hyper-competitive online landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to grab the attention of their target audience.

Traditional social media management requires hiring teams, investing in tools, and dedicating a significant amount of time to content creation and strategy development.

But what if you could automate all of that, without losing quality or effectiveness?

Enter the newest AI-powered Chrome extension that’s quickly making waves in the marketing world.

This innovative tool promises to transform the way brands handle their social media presence.

Early users are already reporting extraordinary results, with some seeing their engagement rates spike by an incredible 300%.

The secret? AI-driven automation that not only schedules posts but creates them based on historical performance and competitor insights.

“85% saw an increase in engagement within the first month of adoption, with some reporting engagement boosts of over 300%.”

“Additionally, 62% of businesses reported a significant reduction in the time spent managing social media, while 48% noted that AI-generated posts outperformed human-generated ones”

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